Monday, December 13, 2010

Google Nexus S giveaway!

Hey, hey, hey! You thought we were going to let the latest (and arguable best) Android handset slip away from your potential grasp? Not a chance. We have a brand new Google Nexus S to giveaway to our fine readers, and here is all you have to do to win one. Ready? Official rules are below! We just soft launched a Buying Guide on BGR — it’s a great resource where we choose our favorite winners for different phone/gadget topics. Check it out and let us know what you think, ok? Feedback is appreciated, so hit us with some comments below! We’ll run the contest for a week, until December 19th at 11:59PM The contest is open worldwide, but you

Charlize Theron Eva Mendes Sarah Polley Aisha Tyler K. D. Aubert

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