Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wikileaks' Julian Assange court appeal makes Twitter history

The court appeal of Julian Assange in London has made history today as the first time ever tweeting has been allowed in a UK courtroom.

Usually no phones or recording are allowed in a courtroom but the judge presiding over the Wikileaks' head Julian Assange's court appeal has allowed journalists to use Twitter in court to keep an account of proceedings.

Twitter trial

Times special correspondent Alexi Mostrous asked the judge if tweeting would be okay while the appeal takes place and, according to his Twitter feed, he was allowed. "Judge just gave me explicit permission to tweet proceedings "if it's quiet and doesn't disturb anything," says one of his posts.

This has lead to the Guardian ? who got wind that it was allowed to tweet ? adding the Twitter posts from Monstrous into its live update of the appeal.

Assange handed himself in to London police earlier this month to face accusations of rape.

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